What does it mean if your gums are receding? If someone says that you have receding gums, this means that the margin of your gum tissue that surrounds your teeth has worn away or pulls back. More of your teeth become exposed, or even the root(s)...
Read moreIf you’re running out of Christmas gift ideas for your family, what about dental products? Everyone needs them, people often don’t like spending much on themselves in this area, and you’re contributing to their health at the...
Read moreWhen it comes to your oral health, the last thing you want to do is procrastinate. Often times, we let things slide, or just ignore something that doesn’t feel quite right, hoping it will get better on it’s own. The problem with...
Read moreIt goes without saying that it can be hard for kids to adjust to the regular school year after being on vacation in July and August. They have to wake up earlier, likely get to bed earlier, do their homework, and be prepared for the next day. It...
Read moreYou’ve likely seen advertisements on Instagram, Facebook, and television for at-home teeth straightening kits that resemble Invisalign, also known as “clear braces“. They’re promoted as super easy, affordable, and you...
Read moreYou never want to think of having a sore(s) in your mouth, but it’s better to know what it is, than to have to worry or wonder about it. Here’s everything you need to know about canker sores: What are canker sores? They are shallow...
Read moreWhat is TMD, you ask? TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder. This refers to problems with the movement of your jaw, as well as pain in and around your jaw joints. If you suffer from TMD, it’s natural to have more trouble falling asleep...
Read moreA woman’s body obviously goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, but did you know that one of those changes may be sensitive teeth? Here are the top 3 reasons why pregnant women may experience sensitive teeth: Gum Disease Pregnant...
Read moreTwo of the things that come to mind when we think of Easter are the Easter Bunny and chocolate. Young or old, everyone likes to indulge in a little chocolate! The thing is though, the cheaper chocolate that you will find at the chain stores...
Read moreIt goes without saying that no one likes morning breath. It’s not as big of a deal if you are single, but if you are in a relationship or married, it can make you become quite self-conscious. It is near impossible to prevent morning breath...
Read moreGoing to the dentist can even be stressful for adults, so it’s not surprising that it can cause some anxiety in children too. Here are some things that you can do to help set your child at ease: Choose a dentist who has a great reputation...
Read moreIf you didn’t already know, they actually do sell plaque scrapers at stores and online. But does that mean you no longer have to go to the dentist and that you can do this yourself? Absolutely not! Your dentist and dental hygienist have...
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