How to Sleep if You Have TMD

TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder. This refers to problems with the movement of your jaw, as well as pain in and around your jaw joints.

If you suffer from TMD, it’s natural to have more trouble falling asleep. This includes getting a good quality sleep, which is why it’s so important to sleep in a position that does not strain your jaw, neck, face, head, or shoulders.

If you are sleeping in a position that causes you strain, this can make your TMD pain worse. You may wake up with pain or a headache.

So what is the best sleeping position if you suffer from TMD? tmd abbotsford

If you suffer from TMD, your best option is to lay on your back. This is because:

  • You won’t be putting extra pressure on your jaw
  • Your head, neck, and shoulders will be properly supported
  • Your body will be kept in alignment, with your neck, head, and spine in a neutral position
  • There will be less chance of clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth

It is also a good idea to place a small pillow places under your knees or under the arch of your spine. This can make you more comfortable. Reclining beds may also be an option as well if you experience with TMD is ongoing.


Call us to book an appointment if you are experiencing signs of TMD in Abbotsford.  We will be happy to help!