Kids Dental Tips for Back to School

It goes without saying that it can be hard for kids to adjust to the regular school year after being on vacation in July and August. They have to wake up earlier, likely get to bed earlier, do their homework, and be prepared for the next day. It adds more stress to their lives, and when kids are more stressed and rushing around, it can be easier for them to forget (or conveniently forget) to brush their teeth in the morning.   kids dentist abbotsford

The best way to handle this is to get them into a routine of brushing at the same time every day, so either as soon as they get out of bed, or as soon as they finish their breakfast. You can also buy them an extra toothbrush that they can keep in their knapsack to use after lunch.

In addition to brushing, they need to ensure that they floss as well. Individual flossers that you can buy at your local grocery or drugstore are ideal because they are super easy to use. Regular dental floss can seem like a lot of work and difficult to use, so you want to make it as simple as possible for them so that they don’t get frustrated.

If they are participating in contact sports, don’t delay in getting them a custom-made mouthguard from your dental clinic to protect their teeth.

Encourage them to drink water vs. juice or soda. The less sugar they consume, the better for their health overall.

Lastly, pack them healthy lunches vs. processed and starchy foods that can coat their teeth and lead to decay.

Are you looking for a family dentist in the Abbotsford area? We would love to have you as a patient at Townline Dental! Call us today at 604-744-1513.