Do You Have Any Oral Health Concerns?

When you have problems in your mouth, whether it’s with your teeth, breath, tongue, or gums, your overall health can also be affected. This is why it’s so important to keep on top of your oral health!

Do you have sensitive teeth?

Are your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or sugar? This could be a sign of an infection, cavity, lack of tooth enamel, cracked tooth, or an exposed root.

Are your gums sore & inflamed?

This usually means you have gingivitis, which is also known as “gum disease”, and your gums may also bleed when brushing or flossing.

It’s important to catch it soon enough so that it can be effectively treated and possibly even reversed.

Do you have sores on your tongue or elsewhere in your mouth?

Sores, white or dark red patches, or lumps could possibly indicate cancer.

Be sure to see your dentist ASAP if you notice any sores. They will be able to examine you and organize imaging tests etc.

Do you have white spots on your teeth?

White spots can be aesthetically unappealing, but this also usually indicates that you have a loss of mineral content on your teeth’s surface (enamel). It can also be a sign of tooth decay. With kids, white spots may also be a sign of fluorosis, which is a side effect of too much fluoride.

Do you have bad breath?

It goes without saying that bad breath is embarrassing and can really affect your self-esteem. But aside from being embarrassing, bad breath is likely a sign that you need to improve your dental hygiene. Are you brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and using a tongue scraper? Are you getting dental cleanings and checkups every six months?

Come see our for Abbotsford dentists to address all of your oral concerns and set your mind at ease.